News New range of Ecoleds


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New range of Ecoleds


New EcoLeds, the first guaranteed LEDS, which improves the price of neon.



Flexible Ecoled to light channel letters. Strips of 30 cm with 18 leds colured in white-red-green-blue-yellow. Model RGB.has 27 leds


It allows cut in 5 separate sections and it has a very quick connection system, as well plastic supports for fix the strip to the letter..










































LEDS for enlighting letters, filter light signs, lateral enlighting and similar applications which improve the price of the neon ( 6,98 €/per meter, including converter costs).





We dispose of 2 models : withe 3 leds and with only 1 led.






















Addly we have the watertight led (it allows work under the water). It is appropriate for very humid areas and with a high condensation.


To connect letter to letter we dispose of watertight connectors from 3M.








































































































































Advantages regarding another LEDS:



1) System for fixing "part to part” (in standard LED ).

2) The led more economical on the market.

3) Angle of vision of 150º for better diffusion of the light.

4) More luminous intensity.

5) The same converter to all colours (12v) .

6) Watertight and waterproof led for letters to take effect "shadow".

7) Easy system for fixiing by means screws or double-faced tape..

Lighting Spain
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