News New Profile Alfa 100 for totems and double faced light boxes


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New Profile Alfa 100 for totems and double faced light boxes


That snap frontal profile allows replace the picture (digital print ) easy and quick. Addly the profile has 2 channels: one to support the white plexyglas and another one to place the transparent saver. In this way we can take out the saver to replace the advertisements without the fall of the plexyglas.

Neither is necessary to take out the upper top to acces for replacing the publicity. That operation can be made frontally. As the profile as the tops are in anodised silver. The tops are metallic in 3 mm cut aluminium (two standard models: 60 or 80 cms, ) Profile Alfa 100 uses profiles-top" Alfa 5/1" and springs "Alfa 10" (these references are used also with profiles Alfa 5, Alfa 7 and Alfa 9). The bases are the same as used for profile L29 ( 60 or 80 cms).

Luz Negra offers you totems and double faced light signs made to measure with new profiles Alfa 100.

Lighting Spain
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